Tuesday, September 16, 2008

PLEASE READ THIS !!! - it could save a life

I always new that my daughter had secret super powers, but I am pleased to find out that selflessness is one of them. Her birthday is September 21st which happens to be the same day as the 5th annual Walk for Hope by the Angel 34 Foundation. IT benifits local children in Eastern PA battling Pediatric Cancer and thier families. And Nationally with the ICEE Program. 

So rather than have a party with presents she is inviting everyone to attend an bring a min $20 donation in lew of a gift. 100% of all monies raised go to the children and families. You who are reading this are invited to attend even if you don't know my daughter, Sienna. Angel 34's website is www.angel34.org if you want to check it out. please email me mike@mcnettimages.com if you would like to attend. The walk starts at 1:30 (we will get there just after 12:00) on Sunday Sept. 21st 2008 @ Northampton HS Stadium. Just look for the guy in the black fedora carrying the big camera LOL!

Sincerely, Thank you all who are able to attend.

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