Monday, June 30, 2008

Congrats Cynthia & David

Guys I had a blast. Cindy you get bonus points for the trampoline and Dave I never thought I would be so touched by a chipmunks song LOL. Congrats

Lehigh Valley Style pg 117

Friday, June 20, 2008

June Photo of the Month

This month I am cheating. HA HA HA! This image is a 2 page spread for an album I'm currently working on. By themselves they are compelling images but together they tell a story. This Diptych is what my ambition for the studios direction is all about, not the dark moodiness, even though I love dark and moody,  but it's having the sum be greater than it's parts.

This is much like the wedding itself, to quote the mastercard commercial: Dress $600, Food $30 per plate, Centerpieces $50, The perfect wedding priceless. Any element (or picture) on its own can be amazing but to have a synergy between all the elements, to get them working together for the whole that is priceless.  

Check out the portfolio section of to see the rest of the album. I will be posting it as it develops.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Mazel Tov Rickey

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Page 6 of Hakol

The studio's new ad came out in the June 2008 (Iyar/Sivan 5768) issue of Hakol. If you've seen it let me know its always good to know when advertising works.  

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

To retouch or not to retouch that is the question...

"When retouching a photography how much is too much?" Some people live their whole lives with what the general populous might deem unsightly blemishes. Either the person doesn't get it removed for financial or moral reasons or they just don't care. Regardless at the studio we retouch every photograph with two thoughts in mind 1) make the people look their best. 2) Keep the people looking like who they really are. If you have a mole that you have lived with your whole life it is part of who you are so it stays. 

The client that sparked this train of thought after seeing the proofs said "Wow, the pictures are great, but I should really get that removed," referring to a mole that she has had for over 30 years. Here are these beautiful keepsakes of her wedding, one of the most joyful days of her life and all she can see is the mole that she has seen every day of her life when she looks in the mirror.

That got me to thinking about my function as a photographer. A purest captures the moment for what it is, nothing more nothing less. But what if what you are capturing is more than physical, what if it is the subjects vision of what is going on. 

A bride on her wedding day is at her apex, hair... the best, makeup... perfect, dress... flawless. While in reality that might not be the case in her mind, hopefully, she is perfection. I believe that this is what should be conveyed in the photography. 

But who decides what stays and what goes. What if Matthew Brady decided when taking Lincoln's photograph that the mole has to go? Ultimately still it falls to the subject or person commissioning the images to be made. Communication is important, and tough. I don't feel right asking a client "Hey do you want me to touch that out. " What one person thinks is beautiful might not be the same as another. 

Monday, June 2, 2008

Congrats Brittany and Nick 5/25/08

Congrats Trish and Garrett 5/24/08

Im ready for my close up Mr. Demille

For everybody in the Lehigh Valley I will be volunteering tonight on PBS WLTV Channel 39 between 7:00 and 8:00 PM during their telethon. So tune in and see me and my daughter Sienna man the phones (or in her case girl the phones) and if you are a watcher of public television call in and make a pledge, if you call and get me make sure you say hi.